Wednesday, October 10, 2012

French silk pie makes for a very happy family!

This week was very likely the last bit of warm fall weather that we'll have in Portland this year. The rain will come tomorrow, and it probably won't leave until July. Lots of people complain about the weather here, but I love it. It's a good excuse to cozy up in coffee shops while I drink tea and read a book. But all that to say, we had seventy degree days last weekend and I used them as an excuse to make a French Silk Pie for my family get together.

French silk pie kit
This recipe is one that I created after much trial and error, and it's definitely a family favorite! Good news for me, because it's easy as a wink to make. And good news for you because if you order a pie kit from me, the pie crust, pie tin and dry ingredients for the filling only cost $15!

First, I rolled out my pie dough for the bottom crust as normal, but then put it into the oven to bake. I made sure it was nice and crispy because I wanted that textural contrast with the creamy filling.
Once the pie crust was in the oven, I started mixing my chocolate pudding filling on top of the stove. Once it had thickened up, I put it in a big bowl and whisked it until smooth.

Once the crust was finished baking and I had poured in the filling, I pressed some cling wrap onto the top of the pie. This is a super important step if you want to avoid that nasty "skin" that can form on the top of the filling.

You know the best part of this pie? Sometimes all of the pudding doesn't fit into the pie crust. And since making pies is awfully hard work, sometimes you need a snack to regain your strength.

After I'd finished my snack and once the pie cooled down, I served it up with whip cream to a very eager and happy family. This pie is so smooth and the crust is so crispy... I promise you'll never, ever want to touch instant pudding again. Order your french silk pie kit from me today and I promise you'll agree with me!

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